Perspective Screen Mockup Software

Create your own Perspective Screen Mockups in Seconds

Real OS X app - no Photoshop extension! is NOT a Photoshop action but a real OS X software with a 3D environment where you can add and edit your own images and move the camera around your setup. Export what you see at any time into (transparent) PNGs up to 4096x4096 pixel. See the video below!

- Import your images (JPG, PNG) into different layers
- Full control - move and arrange the layers in 3D
- Set distance and height of the 3D layers
- Move the camera around your scene
- Save and re-use scenes
- Export as PNG with background color or transparency

Scene Properties
- Camera position
- Camera - Look at point
- Distance between layers (Z-margin)
- Height of layers
- Shadows on/off
- Shadow intensity
- Shadow smoothness
- Show/hide floor plane
- Set background color
- Transparent background

Properties of 3D Layers
- Position in X, Y, Z
- Scale image

Export snapshots as (transparent) PNG up to 4096x4096 pixel

Teaser Video

Start Video is available for OS X.